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The Best Things to Do in Zambia: Top Activities and Must-See Attractions

Welcome to Zambia, a country filled with incredible attractions and activities. Whether you're seeking thrilling adventures, natural wonders, or rich cultural experiences, Zambia has something for everyone. In this article, we will explore the best things to do in Zambia, including its top activities and must-see attractions.

From wildlife safaris in national parks to the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls, Zambia offers a world of adventure to its visitors. So, if you're planning a trip to this breathtaking country, be sure to check out the best things to do in Zambia. Get ready to explore the top attractions that will leave you in awe.

Let's get started!

Discover Zambia's National Parks and Wildlife

Embark on a thrilling safari adventure and encounter Zambia's incredible wildlife in its national parks. South Luangwa National Park, Lower Zambezi National Park, and Kafue National Park offer a diverse range of landscapes and wildlife viewing opportunities.

South Luangwa National Park

South Luangwa National Park is a must-visit for wildlife lovers. Home to a wide variety of animals, including elephants, leopards, and lions, the park offers unforgettable game drives and walking safaris. Watch as wildlife roam the park's floodplains and explore the untouched wilderness with experienced guides.

South Luangwa National Park
South Luangwa National Park

Lower Zambezi National Park

Experience the beauty of the Zambezi River and encounter pods of hippos and crocodiles on a canoe trip. Lower Zambezi National Park is home to large elephant herds, buffalos, and an abundance of bird species. Choose from a range of accommodations, including luxury lodges and camping sites, to make the most of your safari adventure.

Kafue National Park

Kafue National Park is Zambia's largest national park, offering a range of habitats from floodplains to woodland. The park is home to rhinos, zebras, antelopes, and various predators such as leopards and cheetahs. Choose from a variety of accommodations, from luxury lodges to budget-friendly options, and explore the park's diverse wildlife on game drives and walking safaris.

Zambia's national parks offer unparalleled experiences for wildlife enthusiasts. Embark on a safari adventure and discover the beauty of Zambia's untouched wilderness.

Marvel at the Magnificent Victoria Falls

No trip to Zambia is complete without a visit to Victoria Falls. Located in Livingstone, this magnificent waterfall is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Witness the power of the Zambezi River as it plunges over 100 meters into the gorge below.

Marvel at the sheer beauty of the misty spray and the rainbow that forms above the falls. Take in the stunning views from several vantage points, including the famous Knife-edge Bridge and the Lookout Tree.

If you're feeling adventurous, opt for a thrilling micro-light flight over Victoria Falls, or brave the rapids on a white-water rafting excursion. And don't forget to explore Livingstone Island, where David Livingstone first set eyes on the falls in 1855.

Embark on a Thrilling Walking Safari

For wildlife enthusiasts seeking an up-close and personal wildlife experience, a walking safari is a must-do activity in Zambia's national parks. The untouched wilderness of Kafue, South Luangwa National Park, or North Luangwa provides the perfect backdrop to encounter a variety of wildlife in their natural habitat.

Walking safaris are led by experienced guides who will take you on a journey through the park, pointing out different species of animals and plants along the way. As you walk through the bush, you will have the opportunity to see elephants, cheetahs, and leopards up close.

Walking safaris are available in Kafue National Park, Zambia's largest national park. This park boasts vast floodplains and a range of wildlife, including lions, leopards, and wild dogs. In South Luangwa National Park, you can witness herds of elephants and giraffes as they graze on the savannah, while North Luangwa offers a more remote and exclusive safari experience.

Walking safaris offer a unique and intimate experience with nature and are a highlight of any Zambia itinerary for wildlife lovers.

Explore the Remote Busanga Plains

For wildlife enthusiasts seeking a truly authentic safari adventure, the remote Busanga Plains in Kafue National Park are a must-visit. This untouched wilderness is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including packs of wild dogs, herds of elephants, and a myriad of bird species.

Embark on a game drive with experienced guides and spot rare and elusive animals in their natural habitat. The Busanga Plains are particularly known for their wild dog populations, making it an ideal destination for wildlife lovers looking to witness these fascinating creatures in the wild.

Accommodations in the Busanga Plains are limited, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area. Tented camps offer a comfortable and authentic safari experience with unparalleled views of the surrounding wilderness.

Visit the Liuwa Plain National Park

Experience the breathtaking wildebeest migration at the Liuwa Plain National Park, Zambia's hidden gem. Marvel at the spectacle of thousands of wildebeest crossing the plains in search of greener pastures. Witness one of the world's most impressive mammal migrations and be in awe of nature's wonders.

Liuwa Plain National Park
Liuwa Plain National Park

The wildebeest migration in Liuwa Plain National Park is often considered the second-largest migration in the world. While the numbers are not as high as in Serengeti, the event is still a fascinating wildlife highlight. The wildebeest traverse long distances every year, moving across plains and rivers, in search of fresh grazing areas.

Experience the Magic of the Wildebeest Migration

Witness the wildebeest migration from up close on a safari tour with experienced guides. Observe these magnificent mammals in their natural habitat and learn about their fascinating behaviors. You can expect to see a range of other wildlife as well, including hyenas, lions, and cheetahs, making it a truly unforgettable experience.

A Must-Visit for Any Zambia Itinerary

Add Liuwa Plain National Park to your Zambia itinerary and discover a little-known treasure. This national park offers a unique safari experience, with vast expanses of untouched wilderness and abundant wildlife. You'll also have the chance to encounter one of the world's most incredible mammal migrations, making it a highlight of any Zambia trip.

So, if you're planning a trip to Zambia, make sure to include a visit to the Liuwa Plain National Park. Witness the wildebeest migration, experience the magic of nature, and create unforgettable memories on your safari adventure.

Discover the Natural Beauty of Kafue National Park

Kafue National Park is Zambia's largest national park and a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts. It is home to diverse wildlife, including rhinos, zebras, and antelopes, as well as predators such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs.

Accommodation in Kafue National Park

Kafue National Park offers a range of accommodation options to suit every budget and preference. From luxury lodges to rustic campsites, there is something for everyone. Most accommodations provide unparalleled game viewing opportunities, allowing visitors to spot wildlife from the comfort of their own lodging.

Game Viewing in Kafue National Park

Kafue National Park is known for its vast floodplains, which are home to a variety of wildlife. Visitors can embark on game drives to explore the park's diverse ecosystem and spot animals such as elephants, buffalos, and giraffes. Walking safaris are also available for those looking for a more immersive experience.

For bird enthusiasts, Kafue National Park is a paradise, with over 500 species of birds. The park's varied habitats, including wetlands, forests, and grasslands, offer excellent birdwatching opportunities.

Overall, Kafue National Park is a natural jewel of Zambia and a must-visit for any traveler. Its diverse wildlife, range of accommodations, and unparalleled game viewing opportunities make it an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

Experience the Zambezi River and Lower Zambezi National Park

One of Zambia's most unique attractions is the Zambezi River and Lower Zambezi National Park. The park is named after the mighty Zambezi River, which forms the park's southern boundary, and offers unparalleled opportunities for canoeing.

Canoeing on the Zambezi River

Experience the thrill of canoeing down the Zambezi River, one of Africa's most iconic waterways. Keep an eye out for pods of hippos and sunbathing crocodiles as you navigate the river's twists and turns. The sight of elephant herds drinking at the river's edge is a truly unforgettable experience.

Wildlife Encounters

Lower Zambezi National Park is home to an abundance of wildlife, including large elephant herds, leopards, lions, buffalos, and many more. Embark on a game drive, walk, or canoe trip for a chance to encounter these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

Whether you choose to explore the Zambezi River by canoe or embark on a game drive in Lower Zambezi National Park, this unique destination offers a truly authentic African experience.

Explore the Cultural Heritage of Lusaka and Livingstone

Zambia is not only known for its wildlife and natural wonders but also for its rich cultural heritage. Two cities you must visit to experience this cultural heritage are Lusaka and Livingstone.


Lusaka, the vibrant capital of Zambia, is a melting pot of different cultures. Head to the Kabwata Cultural Village to see traditional Zambian huts and handicrafts. You can also visit the Lusaka National Museum, which features exhibits on Zambian culture and history. Make sure to sample some traditional Zambian cuisine, such as nshima, a staple made from maize flour.


Named after the famed explorer and missionary David Livingstone, the city is steeped in history. Visit the Livingstone Museum to learn about the city's colonial past and its connection to David Livingstone. You can also take a tour of the Mukuni Village to experience the traditional customs and lifestyle of the local people.

No trip to Livingstone is complete without a visit to the iconic Victoria Falls. You can witness the beauty and power of the falls from either the Zambian or Zimbabwean side.

Interact with the friendly Zambian people, immerse yourself in their culture, and make unforgettable memories during your visit to Lusaka and Livingstone.


In conclusion, Zambia is a hidden gem in Africa with a variety of incredible attractions and activities. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, adventurer, or culture seeker, there are plenty of best places to visit and things to do in Zambia. With its diverse range of national parks, including Kafue, South Luangwa, and North Luangwa, Zambia's national parks offer unforgettable experiences. The awe-inspiring Victoria Falls is a must-visit attraction that truly showcases the beauty of Zambia.

Attractions in Zambia

Besides Zambia's national parks and Victoria Falls, there are other attractions in Zambia that are worth a visit. Visit the remote Busanga Plains in Kafue National Park for a unique safari experience and witness packs of wild dogs and a variety of bird species. Embark on a canoe trip along the Zambezi River in Lower Zambezi National Park and encounter elephant herds and other wildlife on the river banks.

Zambia is also Rich in Culture

In addition to its natural wonders, Zambia is also rich in culture. Explore the vibrant capital city of Lusaka and visit Livingstone, named after the famed explorer and missionary David Livingstone. Learn about local traditions, sample traditional cuisine, and interact with the friendly Zambian people.

Plan Your Trip to Zambia

Plan your trip to Zambia and experience the best places and activities this country has to offer. With its abundance of attractions and cultural heritage, it's no surprise that Zambia is quickly becoming a popular destination in Africa. Book your trip today and explore Zambia's national parks, marvel at Victoria Falls, and immerse yourself in its rich culture.

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